Business & Tech
Introducing the faces behind some of the
city’s most notable businesses.
Pets in the office can raise spirits, cut stress and make you feel good about your job. So consider taking your dog—or sloth—to work.
Sunshine Labs provides a place for hardware makers to create their wares.
Trobo the Storytelling Robot and its animated lessons.
The team of Carlos Carbonell and Amy Jantzer at Echo Interaction Group.
Promoting learning by doing at Code School.
Orlando’s tech startup community is a digital melting pot of app developers, software designers and hardware makers. Their stories are as diverse as their creative endeavors.
Rockets and flying saucers and doodads, oh my! Read the story behind Skycraft Parts and Surplus.
7 fitness apps for stellar at-home workouts.
The latest generation of HDTVs combines interactive ‘smart’ features with drop-dead gorgeous picture quality.
The future is here with household robots. They clean floors, pools and rain gutters, even mow the yard.
But with an e-wallet on an Android device you can leave your credit cards behind.
In the era of daily discount sites like Groupon, customer loyalty may be a thing of the past.
The prospect may seem appealing, but ‘cutting the cord’ may not be for you.
What will be the popular tech gifts over
the holidays? Glad you asked.